Food allergy immunotherapy is a type of treatment that gradually increases your body's tolerance to foods that cause an allergic reaction. By exposing your body to tiny allergen doses over time, your immune system develops a natural tolerance, allowing you to enjoy foods without experiencing disruptive symptoms. For example, your body may react if you consume nuts, dairy products, gluten, shellfish, or eggs. Food immunotherapy exposes you to such low allergen doses that your body is unable to produce a severe reaction. Your immune system will develop a strong tolerance to your specific food allergen after continuing and increasing these doses for an extended period of time. In the fight against food allergies, your provider is a powerful ally. They will collaborate with you to develop an individualized food immunotherapy plan so that your body can learn to tolerate the foods that previously harmed your health and peace of mind.
Typical Food Allergy Symptoms
Hives:- It is raised, red, itchy patches of skin that appear suddenly on your skin. Hives may indicate a severe reaction that necessitates medical attention and immunotherapy for food allergies from one of our caring providers.
Swelling of the lip and/or face:- Your face, lips, and neck may swell if your body is triggered by a food allergy. This will not only cause severe discomfort, but it may also impair your breathing or vision.
Nausea:- A food intolerance can cause nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea, making it difficult to live a healthy lifestyle. Food immunotherapy has the potential to permanently reduce and eliminate this debilitating symptom.
Cramps in the stomach:- While deep abdominal pain and gas are common food allergy symptoms, you don't have to live in agony forever.
Sneezing:- Do you sneeze a lot after eating certain foods? Is your nose itchy, stuffy, or irritated after consuming a specific ingredient? This is a fairly common symptom that could indicate a food allergy.
Throat swelling:- If you feel your throat closing up after finishing a snack, you may have a food allergy. You can resume eating your favorite foods with ease thanks to immunotherapy.
Coughing or wheezing:- Food allergies can be identified by labored breathing, wheezing, shortness of breath, and constant coughing. Through our food immunotherapy programme, our providers are dedicated to assisting you in breathing easier. With also Texas cedar fever allergy drops, you can get relief from sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes, and sinus congestion.
Dizziness or failing:- Do you ever lose your balance, feel dizzy, or faint after eating a specific food? If this is the case, a food allergy may be undermining your immune system.
Low blood pressure:- If a food ingredient causes an allergic reaction, your blood pressure may be abnormally high or low. Your body can learn to maintain healthy levels while eating your favorite foods with our food immunotherapy programme.
Becoming unconscious:- Losing consciousness after eating could indicate a food allergy that needs to be addressed right away. Please contact us, Advanced Allergy, Asthma and Immunology Center at (210) 655-4824 if you require immediate medical attention. Not only food immunotherapy but also we are popular for the cosmetic treatment which is defined as treatment aimed at improving the appearance of a body part or tissue that is within the range of normal variation.
The Procedure For Food Immunotherapy
Your provider will review your medical history and ask questions about your symptoms to determine if you are a candidate for food allergy immunotherapy. They may ask you to keep a food diary or perform a skin test to determine your body's specific food allergies.
If food immunotherapy is right for you, your allergist will prescribe daily doses in the beginning. Test results will be available on your patient portal within 24 hours of your appointment.
Following the completion of this initial stage, biweekly office visits will be recommended to continue building your body's immunity. At this time, your provider will instruct you to refrain from taking hot showers or exercising for 2-4 hours following a food immunotherapy dose.
Is It Safe To Use Food Immunotherapy?
Food allergy immunotherapy is a safe treatment method that can help you permanently eliminate allergy symptoms. Because your provider is exposing your immune system to extremely small amounts of food allergens, there is a less than 1% chance that you will have a severe allergic reaction. Your provider will monitor you after you have received a dose to ensure your safety. We are equipped and trained to treat any allergic reaction as soon as possible.
For more to know and overcome from your fears regarding this contact Advanced Allergy, Asthma and Immunology Center immediately!